Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Is it heresy...

to act like you are a new believer to see:

1)the steps that a church takes in "converting" you?


2)see if once you are converted if they stop paying attention to you?

Here at the Hot Tub we are brainstorming and wondering if this is over the line...

Monday, November 5, 2007

Health, Wealth, and Prosperity Gospel

A hot topic in today's culture is the Health, Wealth, and Prosperity Gospel. Below are three different videos regarding this topic. What are your views of Health and Wealth Gospel? Does Jesus want us to be prosperous? Does the gospel want us to "make it" by today's standards? Let's watch these videos and begin to discuss.


Here is John Pipers talk on the Health, Wealth, and Prosperity Gospel.

Here is Joel Osteens explanation...please ignore the comments on the bottom throughout the video.

Here is Creflo Dollar's explanation on his doctrine of wealth. It starts at about 5:40 in this interview.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


If you are reading this, you are probably one of five people who reads Ron's blog. The point of the hot tub is to come together and discuss faith issues. In the past we discussed creeds and evangelism in the movie Jesus Camp. This is a hope to further discussions and ask inquisitive questions that we have been thinking about for a while now. If you want in on this, jump on in!

Let's start Hot Tubbing!